Sunday, August 9, 2009

Initial Impressions

I've been back from Uganda for almost two full days and my transition back into the U.S. has been eye-opening.

1. Obesity: I noticed it the second I got off the plane and entered the Newark airport. Everywhere I go in the U.S. I am now uncomfortably aware of our poor eating habits.

2. Dreams of black people: This may sound quite strange, but after spending two weeks in amajority black culture, I've had dreams filled with black people. This makes me aware that I often dream of white people. I guess it isn't too weird considering that when I took Spanish and/or when I spent a week in Puerto Rico that I began to dream in Spanish.

3. English: Once leaving Africa for Brussels, Newark and Raleigh, I realized that I was having trouble distinguishing whether folks were speaking English or not. It is really cool to have a few moments where English sounds like a foreign language!

4. Running water: I know that we were fortunate enough on most of our trip to have the luxury of running water, but it was bizarre to go back home and not question the water quality.

5. Sleeping: Rather than going to sleep to the sound of crickets, I could hear the thunder of cars down Duke Street. I woke up to the sound of cars as well. I miss waking up to the sound of roosters and children at recess.

6. Scripture: It was quite interested this morning at church to hear the Scriptures read aloud. When we read about the sacrifice of bulls and goats, I realized that I had tangible images in my head of George's goat from the bishop and the bull cows that grazed along the road. When I read about God's judgement, I celebrated that God will one day judge people like Kony who perpetrate evil and that that same judgement will bring justice and healing to those who have been sinned against. I have a feeling that Scripture is going to look very different from now on.

These are just a few thoughts that I noticed in the first 50 hours or so of being home.

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